2023 Annual Meeting

Augur Lake Property Owners Association

PO Box 2

Keeseville NY 12944


ALPOA Annual meeting notice

Saturday July 8, 2023   9:30 AM

Location- Ausable Brewing Company

765 Mace Chasm Rd

Keeseville NY 12944

Election of officers and 4 directors will take place. Officers are elected annually and directors are elected for 3 year terms. If you are interested in serving in any capacity, nominations will be taken from the floor. Candidates will be allowed to make a short statement. We will also be voting on amendment to our By-Laws


Attachements:   1. Proxy form

                             2. Dues form

                             3. Proposed Amendment to By-laws


Co presidents Paul Knott ccso12@aol.com, Doug Leininger leinindl@msn.com